Monde Community Garden
Monde – This was the first community garden that we established. Monde is another village community outside of Victoria Falls that needed assistance as many villages do in the rural areas of Zimbabwe. Monde as it’s called is part of the continuation of empowering the people in the rural settings of Zimbabwe by providing the resources that are needed to produce year-round crop rotation. In the village of Monde, we established a community garden that has already been expanded once and will soon need to be expanded again as more and more people join in on the year-round crop rotation. The serious issue at Monde is the fact that the water cavities are drying up and the current water supply is low. We need to raise $35,000 to pump water from the Zambezi River inland to continue to nourish this large community garden that feeds over 500 people. Not only will the funds raised benefit Monde, but also a number of the surrounding area.
You see, generally this is what takes place each year in the Hwange Rural District of Zimbabwe, and it’s conceivable that this may take place in many other parts of Zimbabwe and around the world.
In this area of Zimbabwe, four out of the last five years have been a drought. It’s October 2023 and the people are again praying for the perfect amount of rain this coming season. Here’s why!
First, the people living in the rural areas DEPEND on a good steady rainfall that occurs only once a year. Usually, the rainy season runs between November and March 15th of each year. That’s it – and if it does not rain during that time of the year, starvation can occur. The planting and Harvest come only once a year and if the perfect rain fall doesn’t come people go hungry. Real Hunger sets in. With your help we can CHANGE the outcome, like Monde, and the other Community Gardens that we have established the Year-Round Crop rotation in, lives are saved. We are eyewitnesses to this amazing transformation in people’s lives.
The Problem lies when there is either to much rain, which washes the seeds, or the crops out from the ground. The other problem that these Villages face is when there just isn’t enough sustainable rain to allow the crops to grow.
These Villages DEPEND on a perfect rainy season to eat throughout the upcoming year. You see MAZE (corn) is their main staple food, so that’s what they grow during the “so called rainy season” and when the rains aren’t cooperating people in these villages struggle to have food to eat.
This is a serious issue; it’s life threatening and The Buy a Brick Foundation is committed to doing more and more each year by establishing Community Gardens in the Rural Areas throughout the Hwange Rural District.
WHAT’S NEEDED YOU ASK! We need more and more partners who will donate to The Buy a Brick Foundation helping empowering people, saving lives through Year-Round Crop Rotation.
HOW DO WE DO THIS? First, we meet with the Village Head. We discuss the year-round crop rotation by drilling a well, or by modifying an existing water well. The well is then Solar-Powered, and the water is pumped to large Jojo tanks that are set on elevated platforms. These Jojo tanks hold large amounts of water and gravity feed the water down to the garden.
In a partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture families are given areas within the community garden to grow their vegetables in a year-round crop rotation setting.
So far there are a total of over 8400 individuals that are benefiting from these community gardens.
Our goal is to reach over 20,000 people by the end of 2025.
The Buy a Brick Foundation PO Box 818 Fairhope, Alabama 36533 (202) 359-4900